Suspended at Christie’s, Leicester Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral and St James's Piccadilly, 2017-2018
Following on from Dorman's critically acclaimed work Flight, which hung in St James's over the Christmas period in 2015/16, Suspended formed part of her ongoing series of works seeking to highlight the humanitarian crisis of forced displacement across the world today. Suspended premiered in 2017 in St James’s Piccadilly, before touring the UK from 2018 - 2019, and was most notably installed in Canterbury Cathedral and Leicester Cathedrals.
“The most talked-about contemporary artwork in London right now” — The New York Times
“It is impossible not to be moved by Suspended. Every one of these items of clothing represents a life, it is very poignant. — Labour peer Alf Dubs
“From afar, the clothes hang in a mass like a ghostly chandelier adorning the nave of the church. But the artist, who has worked in Gaza, Afghanistan and Iraq, wants worshippers to look closer and reflect on the individuals who once wore the garments. Refugees are not numbers, they are people… ” — The Daily Mail